How Should Work Boots Fit – Tight Or Loose?

Especially if your working boots are a key part in your work uniform (and you’re on your feet all day), finding the right fit for your feet is one of the most important precautions you can take to help make working as comfortable as possible.

An ill-fitting work boot can also lead to chronic injuries that then can keep you from working—from back to foot to knee pain!

To help you get it right when it comes to your work boots for wide and extra wide feet, we’ve created this short guide to help you find your perfect fit.

How Should Work Boots Fit? 

The key here is that when wearing your work boots, you should have a “bit” of breathing room.

You need to have a proper amount of cushioning—especially if you work on your feet all day. Not having enough in your shoe can lead to issues like plantar fasciitis.

The top and surrounding cover of the boots also need to have proper protection. If you’re lifting heavy objects and working with concrete floors, this can help your feet be safer from falling objects and even striking your foot against the ground and injuring yourself.

However, the “tightness” of the boot is the most important concept to look out for when choosing the best work boots for wide feet.

If your boots are too loose, your feet can slide inside them—causing injuries due to loose footing and security.

So, How Do You Check If It’s A Good Fit?

First, come to the fitting wearing the same socks that you always wear for work. If you need to change up the pair of socks to help reduce bulk and improve circulation—and can wick-away moisture keeping the feet try—that’s okay! Your socks are just as important as the fit of your boots.

Make sure you try on BOTH boots at the same time. Although it may “feel right” after slipping one boot on, having both boots on and tied while walking around can help you really get a feel for how they are during the workday.

“Try them out”. Especially if you do certain movements during work, you need to make sure your boots can handle them! Even if you feel silly in the store, you should try hopping, jogging a bit, and even doing knee raises to help you see the full extent of movement your boots allow!

Measurements Of A Good Fit:

  • When you’re testing them, you need to make sure that the boots fit well—
  • The tongue of the boot should not chafe or dig in.
  • Your ankle should be fully supported when you roll your foot from side-to-side.
  • When you walk, your feet shouldn’t be sliding forward or backward.
  • You should not feel any pressure on the sides or back of your heel.

After walking around a bit, inspect your feet! They should be free from any red spots on your skin. This blemishing means that there is rubbing on your feet from the boots—which can mean blisters (or worse) in your future.  

Tips For A Good Pair Of Work Boots:

After doing your “fitting” procedure and deeming the boots acceptable to take home with you and wear to work, then there are a few tips to help keep your feet healthy while working.

Since there are so many different kinds of workers out there—and different work boots suited for that job—make sure you’re taking these features into account:

The boot weight: The stronger and sturdier your boots are, the heavier they’re most likely going to be. However, there are materials that are lighter and can support your arch.

The height of the boot: Depending on your work environment, you may need a taller pair of boots to help protect your legs. However, know that shorter boots are going to be easier to walk around in and are lighter and cooler on your feet.

Specific features: Things like water resistance, safety toes, and insulation can all be important features to keep in mind when shopping for work boots.

Once you found the perfect pair of work boots, you can follow these quick maintenance tips to help keep them in good shape for your everyday job:

Buy a couple of pairs of boots and rotate them. Not only will your feet thank you in the morning (you don’t have to squish your feet into damp shoe-wear), but your boots will be able to fully dry out and stay high-quality. Also, don't wear heavy work boots the whole day. If you don't need the extra protection, slip into comfortable wide tennis shoes for a few hours. 

Invest in insoles. Not only do these protect your feet, but they can also protect the inside of the boot from wearing out.

Keep your boots as clean as possible. After a workday, remove insoles and even add newspaper inside your shoes to help dry the insides out. Brushing or wiping mud off of them at the end of the day can also help them live longer.

Of course, every “body” is different—and everyone’s feel for their body and comfort level can also change from worker to worker.

However investing in a pair of custom work boots can be quite a financial commitment—so knowing how they “should” feel can help you get the right fit.

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